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Charity Work

Not everyone has a plentiful supply of food, I am lucky that I do, but that has not always been the case. Living in Qatar, fresh fruit and veg were not plentiful, as we experienced shortages in variety and quality. This made me recognize what it’s like here in the UK when folks don’t have the option to make healthy choices around food, so I sought out working in the not-for-profit sector, relating to food poverty. 


I have been with The Merstham Mix Cafe since Sept 2018, as their non-executive Finance Director. The cafe leverages food waste through FareShare, as well as from local suppliers, to make affordable healthy meals for folks in a very low decile for wealth, within Surrey. The café also offers volunteer opportunities for adults and supports local community networking and food projects.

As with all businesses, acting as a jack of all trades is required and I have stepped in as chef, cooking and leading the service, worked as front of house and have cooked for and hosted supper clubs at the cafe. The experience has been humbling and extraordinary and we hope to bring the cafe out of its lockdown emergency meal delivery service, back to its central meeting place in the community later this month. To find out more about the café visit where you can apply to volunteer to donate to this amazing cause.


01737 645244



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